Reading Diabetes Warning Signs
After the discovery that an extremely high number of people are suffering from pre-diabetic conditions, Abi Jackson launched an investigation that looks at the reasoning’s why it is not too late for action to be taken. Major new research has caused the subject of Type-2 diabetes to become a headliner again.
The medical journal in Britain published an article that revealed that nearly fourteen million people are on the verge of having pre-diabetes. These figures are three times higher than the amount of people that were on the verge of developing the condition back in 2006. The numbers showcase that the amount of people who suffer from the condition within the UK is on the rise.
Even though there are a lot of people that have been diagnosed with the pre-diabetic condition, there are a lot of experts that believe that there are even more people that are not aware that they suffer from the condition at all. Warnings are being released of associated surges in the amounts of people developing type-2 diabetes.
Unfortunately, this increase is not anything new. In an investigation that was performed in 2010, it was revealed that there were over one million Britons that were suffering from type-2 diabetes that had not previously been diagnosed. It is expected that the overall cases of diabetes will increase from the three million standpoint that it is at now, to three or possibly more than five million by the year 2030. The vast majority of diagnoses will be people suffering with type-2 conditions.
The reason why type-2 conditions are higher than type-1 conditions is due to the fact that type-2 conditions are linked to the lifestyle choices that individuals make. Type-1 does not have any lifestyle links. Type-1 diabetes is believed to be caused by a fault within the immune system, that leads to the cells in the body that are responsible for producing insulin, being destroyed. Type-1 diabetes usually appears before individuals reach the age of forty, taking place, traditionally prior to childhood, in most cases.
When it comes to type-2 conditions, the cells that are responsible for producing insulin, are still present within the body. However, these cells are not able to produce an adequate amount of insulin, or the insulin that the body does produce is not allowing the body to work sufficiently. This wreaks havoc within the blood glucose levels of the body. Both types of diabetes can lead to major complications, if the condition is not adequately managed. These complications include: nerve damage, kidney damage, amputation, and blindness.
What exactly is pre-diabetes? This condition is actually not a condition at all. When someone is told that they are suffering from pre-diabetic conditions, this means that their blood sugar, also known as blood glucose levels have drastically increased. However, the condition is not enough to have officially become full blown type-2 diabetic conditions. The positive thing is there is a lot that can be done about it, when it is in the pre-diabetic stage.
In eighty percent of cases, it is possible to delay, or prevent type-2 diabetes altogether. Something that people tend to misinterpret is that whenever the word pre-diabetes is used, they instantly believe that it is going to be inevitable that they will develop the condition. This is not always the case. It is possible to be in the pre-diabetic stage, and not develop full blown type-2 diabetes. People that have been told that they are in the pre-diabetic stage should take this condition as a wakeup call, to change their current lifestyle choices, before the inevitable does happen.